Rime - Escarcha

Se denomina escarcha a la capa de hielo cristalino que se forma, en forma de escamas, agujas, plumas o abanicos, sobre superficies expuestas a la intemperie que se han enfriado lo suficiente como para provocar la deposición directa del vapor de agua contenido en el aire. Es un sinónimo de helada blanca.

Rime is a type of ice deposition that occurs quickly, often under conditions of heavily saturated air and windy conditions. Technically speaking, it is not a type of frost, since usually supercooled water drops are involved, in contrast to the formation of hoar frost, in which water vapour condenses slowly and directly. Ships travelling through Arctic seas may accumulate rime on the rigging. Unlike hoar frost, which has a feathery appearance, rime generally has an icy solid appearance.